Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My Guy

Here is a picture of Don (right) and his brother Bill during one of their favorite pastimes... GOLF!

We celebrated Don's 37th birthday on June 10th! I keep making jokes and calling him "old", but in reality I really do love and respect the guy. It seems like just recently I have begun noticing some new qualities about him. You'd think that after almost ten years of marriage one know all there is to know about their spouse, but that really is not the case. I have begun to see this desire to know all that he can about God. The things that he is discovering would blow one's mind. It is not from a devotional, or quiet time, that I see this, it is more like he has made this his life journey. He has made it his mission to find out who God really is and in his spare time you can find him studying and learning just that. I find it amazing as I see him grow more and more in Him. It has become his desire to maintain integrity and also to reach out to others. Not only this, but I see more and more people (even strangers) come to him with their problems. I don't know what God has in store for us in the future, but let me tell you, I wouldn't be surprised if you found him one day either behind a pulpit, or doing some other great work for God!

1 comment:

Don said...

Thanks Jenn... Behind a pulpit? That would be scary. I would rather be an actor on a police drama for CBS.