Monday, June 4, 2007

Those Daddy Maloni's

One thing about my kids...they are VERY verbal when it comes to bugs -any kind of bug! A couple of days ago, the girls found a daddy-long-leg in the kitchen. After several shrieks of terror, and mama coming to save the day, I sat them down and told them a story. I told them about how when I was a kid, I used to catch daddy-long-legs and pull their legs off. Well, needless to say, this had them laughing for quite some time! A couple hours later I overheard Jaidyn saying to her sisters, "I HATE those Daddy Maloni's. The next time we see them, tell mommy so she can pull their legs off!" Needless to say I had to leave the room, because I was laughing so hard!


Cathy said...

Haha I love that story. Check out my kid question of the week. It features Jaidyn.

Teri said...

Hey Jen,
We saw a Daddy Maloni yesterday and I laughed when I remembered your story! Your girls sound too cute!